Christ Church Primary School, Moreton


Attendance and Punctuality

School is too good to miss!

At Christ Church we believe that for children to achieve their full potential they need to attend school regularly and punctually and we are commited to working in partnership with our families to ensure this happens.

We asked a few children why they thought good attendance is so important, this is what they said:

“I get to see my friends. I would miss them if I wasn’t in school everyday”

“I love learning new things”

“I’m so glad my attendance has improved. I feel the same as the other children in my class.  I’m proud of myself”

What does good attendance looks like?

We would like to see all our pupils with an attendance rate as close to 100% as possible, but understand that at times children are unwell and absences are inevitable. The expectation across Wirral is for each child to maintain a minimum of at least 96% and at Christ Church we strive to support families to achieve this.,l:0%25,w:100%25,h:94.34%25/rs=w:1136,h:568,cg:true


Celebrating Good Attendance

We reward classes weekly for good attendance in celebration assembly each Friday where the class with the highest percentage gets an extra playtime that day.  At the end of each term, those children with 96% upwards are awarded a certificate in a special assembly.

At the end of each term, those children with above 96% attendance are awarded certificates in a special assembly.



Although we understand that there are occasionally exceptional circumstances and being late can’t be helped, it is important that children arrive to school on time.  This is crucial as teachers set a ‘ready to learn’ activity for the children to settle them in and help to set them up positively for the day ahead.  The first few minutes of the school day are often used to give out instructions or organise schoolwork for the rest of the day.  When children miss these short but vital sessions, their work for the whole day may be affected.  Late arrivals are disruptive to the whole class and can be embarrassing for the child. 

We believe that good relationships between home and school are key to maintaining good attendance and punctuality.  We encourage excellent communication between parents/carers and children to develop strategies to make improvements where appropriate. 

Christ Church Primary School, MoretonUpton Road, Moreton, Wirral, Merseyside, CH46 0PB