Christ Church Primary School, Moreton

Nurture Group

Welcome to our Nurture class webpage.

We are a small Key Stage 1 classroom that provides children with a homely, calm, safe and caring environment where they can access social, emotional and curriculum based learning. The Nurture class is run by Miss Askins, with Miss Quinn and Mrs Scott supporting both in the Nurture class and when children access their main classrooms.

We welcome our children in at 8:45am and begin to settle for the day ahead. Some children will then go on to their mainstream classrooms whilst others will remain for most of the day - Nurture is always open for the children who access and need it throughout the day.

Our day involves lots of exciting and creative curriculum-based lessons, as well as social and emotional literacy lessons, social breakfasts, daily sensory inputs, games and arts and crafts - all with a supportive, warm and caring ethos at its heart.


Who's Who?


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The Nurture classroom is a homely, calm and purposeful environment that provides children with a caring and creative approach to learning.

The aim is to reduce the pressures and demands that some children find overwhelming in a mainstream classroom, by providing an accessible and nurturing curriculum that allows the children to flourish and grow in emotional and educational confidence. The amount of time children spend in the Nurture classroom each day varies, depending on the needs of the individual child.

The long-term goal of our Nurture classroom is to give children the tools to help them regulate their emotions, as well as reducing their barriers to learning. This is achieved by offering a bespoke approach to learning, helping them to build their confidence and over time, with small transitions, return to their mainstream learning environment. Our Nurture staff foster strong partnerships with parents and carers, ensuring children achieve the best possible outcomes, in line with our school vision decided by all stakeholders and taken from Romans 12:9-12:


“Love must be completely sincere. Hate what is evil, hold on to what is good. Love one another warmly as Christians, and be eager to show respect for one another. Work hard and do not be lazy. Serve the Lord with a heart full of devotion. Let your hope keep you joyful, be patient in your troubles, and pray at all times.” 





We are guided by the six principles of nurture, which are:


  • Children's learning is understood developmentally
  • The classroom and school offer a safe base
  • Nurture is important in the development of self-esteem
  • Language is understood as a vital means of communication
  • All behaviour is communication
  • Transitions are significant in the lives of children


Some of our strategies include:

  • Self-registration and emotional check-ins
  • Daily social breakfasts
  • Social stories
  • Visual timetable and timelines
  • Sharing news
  • Playing games
  • Emotional literacy sessions
  • Daily creative, sensory sessions
  • Outdoor learning in our Forest School area
  • A creative, bespoke curriculum
  • Nurturing activities
  • Opportunities to develop language and communication skills
  • Boxall profiles
  • Lego Therapy
  • Supported social interactions with mainstream class





The overall impact of our Nurture approach is for our children to return to their mainstream classroom equipped with the skills needed to feel secure and ready to learn (with adult support). As soon as the staff feel they are ready and able to cope with this, they return for specific sessions e.g. play-times, lunchtimes, forest school or other areas of the curriculum. This is regularly reviewed with the relevant staff, as well as the child and parents. These returns to class will increase depending on the child’s continued ability to cope with the transition.

Termly reviews are held with both schools and parents/carers - as well as other professionals if necessary - to discuss the child’s progress and future steps.  Communication with parents/carers is vital and this is done on a daily basis - this is a two-way process with Nurture having an “open-door” policy.

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Christ Church Primary School, MoretonUpton Road, Moreton, Wirral, Merseyside, CH46 0PB